Some Strategies for Complexity:
Complexity, by definition, cannot be managed. Complicated can, yes – but not complexity. The best we can do is acknowledge it, and then try to look at it in smaller chunks, evaluating each one independently, before then putting those chunks back together to form larger entities that must also be evaluated. This requires people who…
Some Strategies for Uncertainty and Ambiguity:
One frequent challenge is people who are unwilling to say “I don’t know” or “I was wrong”. If people can’t own what they don’t know or their mistakes, then the focus becomes on protecting – either my ignorance or my error – without regard for the impact to the organization. When that’s the case, there’s…
Some Strategies for Volatility
Volatility can be minimized by open-minded scenario planning, serious succession planning, and ensuring more than one person has a working knowledge of all things critical and important. While these won’t stop an external VUCA event, such as someone getting hit by a bus, they will certainly go a long way toward reducing the impact of…